Category work

Louie the law man

The newspaper clipping reads in part “These men first signed up for civil defense police work and, after the regular police examination, were admitted to the city reserve unit organized by Chief Kennedy.

Louis & Antonia’s growing family

Be good to get some history/thoughts about this photo. Be good to get some history/thoughts about this photo.Be good to get some history/thoughts about this photo.Be good to get some history/thoughts about this photo.Be good to get some history/thoughts about… Continue Reading →

Bag Boy

Dad got me a job at the old Marsh Foodliners supermarket because he over heard the manager saying they needed more people. Ronny worked at the same supermarket. It was ok. I liked long cigarette breaks. I was bagging food first… Continue Reading →

Dino and the Impossibles

The following are memories from Emanuel Lianez by way of his son Cardo. A question answer format is typically what we do. What was the first band you were in? Ronny Coons could play the guitar and I could sing…. Continue Reading →

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